Your key United Oilseeds contacts for harvest 2024
** HARVEST 2024 To let us know you have crop to be picked up, please speak to your Area Manager. **
Find Your Local United Oilseeds Area Manager: Click here
Download Contract Commitment Forms and Passports Click here
Seed Purchase: Beckii Gibbs/Mandy Stickley Tel: 01380 725 705
Crop marketing: Nick Hobson/Charles Newton/Owen Cligg Tel: 01380 729 200
Contracts Manager: Mark Barter Tel: 01380 721 826
Transport & Collection: Alan Davies/Rebecca Crocombe Tel: 01380 724757
Switchboard: Tel: 01380 729 200
Load Deliveries into Stores
As per the TASCC code of practice, all trailers delivering grain to store must be sheeted /covered at all times except when loading or sampling is taking place. All trailers must have a unique identification number (for example - T1), as well as displaying their assurance number (including ACCS/Red Tractor No.for ex farm tractor and trailers.)
All loads must also be accompanied by a Combinable Crops Grain Passport with an in-date sticker attached (no photocopies). If you have no stickers, you can download a passport direct from the Red Tractor website provided you have preregistered.
All information regarding requirements can be found in the TASCC code of practice, which is available on the AIC website
As per previous years, we will accept deliveries below 6% into store, but no moisture bonus will apply. We advise not to combine under 5% moisture.
For Erith Only:
9% - 6% Normal terms
6% - 5% No deductions but no premiums
Under 5% Deductions are 2% of the contract price / 1% moisture
Under 4% Possible rejection
For Liverpool & Hull:
Loads rejected below 6%
Crop Temperature at Store Intake
Our contract terms stipulate a maximum 25 degrees crop temperature for oilseed rape deliveries.
We recommend that growers without their own cooling facilities should harvest their rapeseed away from the heat of the day and when ambient temperatures are lower. This also helps to keep moistures above 6%.
Erucic Acid Claims
The claim structure for OSR/high erucic acid deliveries into store for 2023 harvest is as follows:
Between 5.0 and 10.000% erucic acid £15.00 /tonne
Between 10.01 and 20.00% erucic acid £25.00 /tonne
Over 20.01% erucic acid By negotiation

Discuss your crop marketing requirements
Contact us today on 01380 729200 to discuss your crop marketing requirements or for more information about our services.