OSR Yields on the rise in Southern Counties

OSR Yields on the rise in Southern Counties
Posted: 16 Aug
Hampshire, Dorset, Wiltshire all on the up

Yield performance data from the southern counties of Dorset, Hampshire, and Wiltshire is showing a significant increase, with a rise of almost 10% in 2023 compared to the previous year. United Oilseeds has been compiling yield data from its members across the UK, and this year’s internal figures reveal a 9.3% improvement over 2023 and an 8% increase over the five-year average for these counties.

Tim Hunt, Managing Director of Hunt Forest Group, a long-established John Deere dealer in central southern England, confirmed these findings. Using GPS data their analysis aligns with the United Oilseeds statistics. Tim states:

"Our data confirms that yields across these counties have risen by roughly 10% compared to last year."

Becky Beesley, United Oilseeds Area Manager for the southern counties, commented, "It's encouraging to see two independent data sets align so closely. Not only have OSR yields increased, but the data also aligns with recent AHDB trials regarding variety performance."

Becky further noted, "In the AHDB trials, Attica emerged as the top performer out of the established varieties with a treated gross output of 113%. Now both sets of data highlight Attica as one of the highest yielders, surpassing that of Auckland and Vegas."

United Oilseeds continues to gather OSR yield data as the harvest progresses in Scotland and will provide updates on yields across the UK in due course.