Matif recovers but gains outweighed by stronger currency

Matif recovers but gains outweighed by stronger currency
Posted: 14 Feb
Trader's View by Trading Manager Owen Cligg

Matif oilseed rape prices have improved this week and the May position has briefly touched 400.00 euros. However, the resignation of the Chancellor of The Exchequer in the Cabinet reshuffle seems to have strengthened Sterling, which in turn mitigated any UK ex farm gains. Ex farm prices in England remain at around £320.00 ex farm and harvest at £310.00 ex.
There is little interest from ex farm sellers, whilst crushers are also happy to stay on the sidelines until new demand for products appears. There are two things worthy of note: unusually a cargo of EU rapeoil may have traded to China, whilst a cargo of Uruguayan rapeseed may be destined for Liverpool.

Profit from Spring Oilseed Rape - Spring oilseed rapeseed supplies are tightening, but we do have some good varieties still available. Call us on 01380 729 200. You can see some of our SOSR varieties here.

We also now have HEAR OSR contracts available for Harvest 2021.


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